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Tools for benchmarking services

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Build and install the tool with

cabal install

For a simple example, essentially benchmarking the tool itself, first build and run the simple test server (from main/Main.hs)


and in another terminal run

service-benchmark-tool --thread-count=100 --action-count=1500 --url='http://localhost:8282/echo' --http-client=http-streams --loglevel=info

which will run 100 threads each making 1500 echo request to the echo-service using the http-streams package as HTTP client backend and loglevel info.

For help you may type

service-benchmark-tool --help

The option -p can be used to print out the configuration as a configuration file and replay a that configuration:

service-benchmark-tool --thread-count=100 -p > config.yml
service-benchmark-tool --config-file=config.yml


Installation with Chart Support

Install chart-cairo:

cabal install alex
cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools

On Mac OS X with homebrew you must do

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

and then

cabal install chart-cairo

Now you can install the package with:

cabal configure -fwith-chart
cabal install


For compilation with GHC-7.10 one has to install the HEAD versions of master of http-common and http-streams from GitHub.

A build with -fwith-chart is not yet supported. You may also have to explicitely pass -f-old-local.


cabal install --enable-profiling --ghc-option=-auto-all

Then run the program with +RTS -prof as show in this example:

./dist/build/service-benchmark-tool/service-benchmark-tool --thread-count=50 --action-count=1000 --url='' --http-client=http-client --loglevel=info +RTS -prof -N8

Note that there is a bug in GHC that causes the flag -N without argument to have no effect with the threaded runtime.


In order to collect event logs the application must be compiled with profiling disabled:

cabal install --constraint='http-client>=0.4.7' --ghc-option='-eventlog' --ghc-option='-rtsopts' --disable-profiling --disable-library-profiling

Eventlogs can be obtained by running the application with +RTS -ls as show in the following example:

./dist/build/service-benchmark-tool/service-benchmark-tool --thread-count=32 --action-count=1000 --url='' --http-client=http-client --loglevel=info -t 50000000  +RTS -ls -N8

This will result in a file called service-benchmark-tool.eventlog in the working directory. This file can be opend and analyzed with ThreadScope.